🚁Shyft RPCs

Reliable, fast and cost-efficient

RPCs are the gateway to blockchains. They enable developers and users to interact with the Solana blockchain by making requests to its nodes over the network. These requests can include querying blockchain data, submitting transactions, and more.

Shyft RPCs have been built with speed and reliability in mind. Also, you get the most cost-efficient way of accessing Solana.

To access Shyft RPCs, get an API key and start interacting with the fastest chain in town, Solana.

Get your Shyft API key from this link

Mainnet RPC : https://rpc.shyft.to/?api_key={your_api_key}

Devnet RPC: https://devnet-rpc.shyft.to/?api_key={your_api_key}

Dedicated RPC Nodes

We also provide dedicated RPC nodes for enterprise users at the best pricing possible in the entire ecosystem. Get in touch with us on Discord or book a call with us here.

Last updated