A type of wallet where Shyft holds half of your private keys while the other half is with the client or the end user.
POST /sol/v1/wallet/create_semi_wallet
We create a standard Solana wallet using keypair.generate(). The private key is then encrypted with the provided password and random encryption parameters. In order to decrypt the key, we need the same password and the same encryption parameters.
So, password and encryption parameters act as 2 keys to unlock your wallet.
Shyft never ever stores or logs your password at any time. This can be confirmed with our open source code.
A type of wallet where Shyft holds half of your private keys while the other half is with the client or the end user.
POST /sol/v1/semi_wallet/create
We create a standard Solana wallet using keypair.generate(). The private key is then encrypted with the provided password and random encryption parameters. In order to decrypt the key, we need the same password and the same encryption parameters.
So, password and encryption parameters act as 2 keys to unlock your wallet.
Shyft never ever stores or logs your password at any time. This can be confirmed with our open source code.
var myHeaders =newHeaders();myHeaders.append("x-api-key","20CcwuFeQOIcfuHx");myHeaders.append("Content-Type","application/json");var raw =JSON.stringify({"password":"Qwerrty@z2"});var requestOptions = { method:'POST', headers: myHeaders, body: raw, redirect:'follow'};fetch("https://api.shyft.to/sol/v1/semi_wallet/create", requestOptions).then(response =>response.text()).then(result =>console.log(result)).catch(error =>console.log('error', error));
{"success":true,"message":"Semi custodial wallet created successfully","result": {"wallet_address":"7pu5mcx2N9bQwqfEe8aQkTzG6zrd9rsFArcvbeY93RkN" }}
Decrypt Semi Custodial Wallet
Decrypt a semi-custodial wallet and get an encrypted private key and decryption key.
You can only get decryption data for semi-custodial wallets created by you.
{"success":true,"message":"Keypair of the wallet","result": {"publicKey":"7pu5mcx2N9bQwqfEe8aQkTzG6zrd9rsFArcvbeY93RkN","secretKey":"4Zko3JAtroEL8sKg9HHMBWpiRpGoetAqG4mofRU83tn5XwgC97EiMbxQ8VYXTGrih5bcwmDXRHgUnKgAqM32QN8r" }}
Change password of Semi Custodial Wallet
BODY (raw)
current_password: Current password of your wallet
new_password: New password of your wallet
wallet: Wallet address
POST /sol/v1/semi_wallet/change_password
var myHeaders =newHeaders();myHeaders.append("x-api-key","20CcwuFeQOIcfuHx");myHeaders.append("Content-Type","application/json");var raw =JSON.stringify({"current_password":"Qwerrty@z2","new_password":"nothingto","wallet":"7pu5mcx2N9bQwqfEe8aQkTzG6zrd9rsFArcvbeY93RkN"});var requestOptions = { method:'POST', headers: myHeaders, body: raw, redirect:'follow'};fetch("https://api.shyft.to/sol/v1/semi_wallet/change_password", requestOptions).then(response =>response.text()).then(result =>console.log(result)).catch(error =>console.log('error', error));